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Terms & Conditions
The Company: Limited
Company Number: 12427149
Registered Address: 2 Glanffrwd Terrace, Ebbw Vale, Wales, NP23 6HD
Trading name: Purple Dog Company
1. Definitions
‘ABTA’ means ABTA Ltd, The Travel Association.
‘Agent’ means in this case Purple Dog Company; acting as an ATOL agent to the principal ATOL holder.
‘ATOL’ means an Air Travel Organisers Licence issued by the CAA.
‘ATOL Certificate’ means a document that complies with the requirements specified in regulation 19 of the ATOL Regulations.
‘ATOL Regulations’ means the Civil Aviation (Air Travel Organisers’ Licencing) Regulations 2012 and any subsequent revisions.
‘Booking’ means a contract entered into by a Consumer for the purchase of any of the Travel Arrangements.
‘Booking Conditions’ means the Principal ATOL Holders booking conditions supplied to the Agent for inclusion in the contract for sale of Travel Arrangements to the Consumer.
‘CAA’ means Civil Aviation Authority.
‘Commission’ means the amount due to the Agent on a Booking as advised on invoice.
‘Confirmation’ means documentation confirming a Booking.
‘Confidential Information’ means any information relating to a party or its affiliates, customers, clients, suppliers, subsidiaries or sister companies including but not limited to its business, technologies, knowhow, products, finances, plans, strategies, formulae, specifications, pricing, data, Software, trade secrets,
inventions or ideas.
‘Consumer’ means the person who purchases any Travel Arrangements or on whose behalf any Travel Arrangements are purchased.
‘Full Payment’ means total and complete payment for the Booking.
‘Lead Name’ means the person over the age of 18 years named as a first person on the Booking.
‘Licensable Transaction’ means an offer made by a Consumer (or their agent) to purchase flight accommodation on a flight which is accepted by Principal ATOL Holder as an air travel organiser and constitutes an activity in respect of which the Principal ATOL Holders is required to hold an ATOL.
‘Marks’ means all logos, trademarks, branding or other intellectual property of the Principal ATOL Holders.
‘Package’ means a package holiday as defined in the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018.
‘Price’ means the total cost of the event.
‘PTRs’ means the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 and any amendment or re-enactment of the same and all other UK legislation implementing the EC Directive on Package Travel, Package Arrangements and Package Tours.
‘Relevant Person’ means a relevant person as defined in PTR. For ease of reference, these are included in
Schedule 2.
‘Supplier’ means the company or person that is holding or providing the event or any part of it.
‘The Event’ means any holiday, accommodation, activity or function organised or advertised by us.
‘Travel Arrangements’ means air or other transport tickets, accommodation, car hire, package holidays and any other travel services made available to the Agent by the Principal ATOL Holder for distribution to the Consumer.
‘We/us’ means “Purple Dog Company”
‘Working Day’ means any day, other than a Saturday or Sunday, on which banks are open for business in the City of London.
‘You’ means the person who has signed the booking form and includes all the people on whose behalf you have signed.
1. Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions govern the contract between you and us to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions save for those implied by law, and no variation to these terms and conditions shall be valid unless in writing and signed by you and the company director.
2. Formation of Contract
No contract shall arise between you and us until we have received the deposit payable and we have sent to you written confirmation (This can be in the form of an email) of our acceptance of your booking.
3. Lead Name
The lead name on any booking with us accepts the full responsibility of collecting the full balance payable for the booking and indemnifies “Purple Dog Company” against any loss from any individual failing to pay within your group. The lead name of the group is also responsible for ensuring that all group members are aware they are bound by our terms and conditions. The lead name is also responsible for the completion of the online guest list on behalf of all persons on the booking. It is understood that those booking via email or telephone agree to and accept our terms and conditions.
2. Appointment
2.1 The Principal ATOL Holder acts as contract principal for the supply of Travel Arrangements under this Agreement.
2.2 By this Agreement the Principal ATOL Holder appoints the Agent as its non-exclusive agent for the retail sale of the Travel Arrangements.
2.3 The Agent accepts the appointment and agrees to sell the Travel Arrangements and perform the other obligations set out in this Agreement.
3. ATOL Schedule and Agency Terms
3.1 In accordance with Regulation 22 of the ATOL Regulations, the terms as required are set out in Schedule 1 of this Agreement.
3.2 In the event of conflict between the clauses in the main body of this Agreement and Schedule 1, the clauses in Schedule 1 shall take precedence to the extent of any conflict only.
4. Cancellation by Us
We may cancel the event or any part of it:
for safety reasons if we or our supplier(s) regard adverse weather conditions or other safety concerns as unacceptable and which cannot reasonably be overcome; If we reasonably believe that you may cause harm or damage to our reputation or to the reputation of our suppliers or to property belonging to our suppliers; If a supplier or suppliers are unable to host the event for any reason; If changes you wish to make to the booking mean it is uneconomical or impractical to hold the event. If we cancel the whole of the event we shall use our best endeavours to rearrange the event on a mutually convenient date, or provide a refund to you of the cost to us of the event. Save as above we shall be under no further liability to you for cancellation of the event or any part of it.
5. Cancellation by You
You may cancel your booking within a period of 14 Days after the initial deposit however this initial deposit is non-refundable. After 14 Days you may cancel your booking however all deposits and (if applicable) any additional payments made to date on the booking are non-refundable. All cancellations must be made in writing from the lead name on the booking. After 7 Days the amount of the cancellation fee is calculated according to the date on which we receive written notice of your wish to cancel. If you cancel with us more than Three Weeks in advance of the travel date then the cancellation fee is a minimum of 35% the total booking cost, or the total amount paid to us at that time on the booking. If you cancel with us within one week of the travel date then the cancellation fee is 100% of the total cost of the booking.
6. Failure to Provide an Event
If, due to reasons beyond our control, an event is unable to take place due to (but without limitation); closure of premises, the ceases of trading, a change in supplier management, weather restrictions, we will provide you and your group with an alternative event and if this is does not prove possible, a refund to you minus the cost to us for the event.
7. Alterations + Surcharges Applied By Us
If due to circumstances beyond our control it becomes necessary to substitute an alternative supplier, or make any other alterations to the event (including accommodation) we shall inform you of the changes as soon as possible. You must pay any additional cost due to such changes. If the changes are, in the view of “Purple Dog Company” so substantial as to materially alter the event and you are unwilling to accept them then you may cancel the event and we will give a refund of the cost of the event to us. Surcharges may be applicable where an event requires a minimum number of participants to proceed, and the group does not meet this minimum number. This could lead to the cancellation of the event of which we are not held responsible and alternatives may be offered of an equal or greater value. If this value is greater, then you must pay us the difference in price. If the final number of a group is an odd number, then a single supplement surcharge will apply if the booking or an event (including accommodation) which is number dependent.
8. Alterations made by You
We shall try to accommodate any reasonable changes you wish to make to the event. Alterations and amendment requests should be made with us and not end suppliers and should be made in writing to us by the lead name. These changes shall not be deemed accepted until we have confirmed in writing to you. If you wish to increase or decrease the number of persons participating in the event you may do this up to six weeks prior to the date upon which your event is due to start. Amendments after that date will incur our administration charge of £10.00 per person. Changes such as arrival / departure dates and destination changes will also be subject to our administration charges. We cannot guarantee that the change to the price will be pro-rata, but will depend upon the arrangements we are able to make with our suppliers. Subject to our written agreement you may transfer your booking to a person who satisfies all the conditions applicable to the event.
9. Your Obligations
You shall at all times behave in a safe, responsible and courteous manner; comply with all instructions; regulations and codes of practice issued by us or our suppliers; ensure that you comply with all age restrictions imposed by our suppliers; ensure that you comply with all arrival times, and dress appropriately for the event. If you breach these obligations we may cancel or curtail the event or any part of it and in those circumstances you shall not be entitled to any refund. You shall take out insurance suitable for your needs (including delays for events involving travel by land, sea, or air) before the event.
10. Our Obligations
We shall take reasonable care and skill in arranging the event and comply with all applicable laws in relation to the event; where ever possible, re-schedule the event instead of cancelling or offer a refund to you of the cost to us of the event. All of the photographs and illustrations we use on our website and in literature (including quotations) we send you are for marketing purposes and may not entirely represent the actual products received.
11. Financial Protection
11.1 For the purpose of Bookings without flights, thereby not requiring ATOL protection, Schedule 1 of the Agreement will not apply and any references to the issue of ATOL Certificate or other general ATOL obligations will not be applicable. Protection for land only products are as per Booking Conditions.
12. Booking, cancellation, amendments, and special requests
12.1 The Agent shall perform the duties of Relevant Person in accordance with PTR and indemnify the Principal ATOL Holder against all claims or fines arising from any acts or omissions relating to those duties.
12.2 The Agent shall ensure that the Lead Name is specifically advised that no Travel Insurance is available through the Principal ATOL Holder and that it is a condition of booking that cover, appropriate for that Consumers requirements, be purchased at or before the time of entering into a contract with the Principal ATOL Holder.
12.3 The Agent shall notify the Lead Name immediately in writing (and by telephone if notification occurs less than 21 days before departure) of all corrections and amendments advised by the Principal ATOL Holder.
12.4 Cancellations or amendments requested by Consumers must be passed on to the Principal ATOL Holder immediately by the Agent.
12.5 The Principal ATOL Holder will record any special requests on notification from the Agent and inform the Agent of any obligation to pay cancellation or amendment charges as applicable which the Agent will then pass on to the Lead Name clearly and without delay and in accordance with its information duties as Relevant
12.6 The Agent undertakes not to make any assurances whatsoever to a client that any special request shall be complied with, or that a Booking is conditional upon the granting of special requests.
13. Receipts and Confirmations
13.1 The Agent undertakes not to accept payment for flight accommodation without supplying to the Consumer an ATOL Certificate on behalf of the Principal ATOL Holder within the timescales detailed in Schedule 1 hereto.
13.2 The Agent shall provide the Consumer with a receipt following the purchase of any Travel Arrangements, stating the amount taken on behalf of the Principal ATOL Holder, that the Agent acts as Agent for the Principal ATOL Holder and naming the Principal ATOL Holder.
13.3 The Agent shall provide the Consumer with the Confirmation or revised Confirmation issued by the Principal ATOL Holder and shall pass it to the Consumer in accordance with PTR Part 2 Clause 7.
13.4 All receipts, Confirmations and invoices supplied in respect of Licensable transactions must detail the Principal ATOL Holder’s name, ATOL Number and financial protection statement in accordance with Schedule 1 hereto.
13.5 In respect of Licensable Transactions, the receipt must identify which part of the money paid by the Consumer is protected by the Principal ATOL Holder ATOL and which, if any, is not.
13.6 It is the Agents duty to check that all information on any receipt, Confirmation or ATOL Certificate is correct.
14. Deposit and Balance Payments
14.1 Deposits are payable at the time of booking and the balance of payments are split into the following phases:
14.2 An agreed non-refundable non-transferable deposit is payable at the time of booking.
The final balance is to be paid no less than 56 Days (eight Weeks) before the date upon which your event is due to start.
14.3 Failure to pay by this date will result in a £10.00 per person late payment charge.
If you do not make your deposit payments by the due dates given then you shall be deemed to have cancelled the event.
14.4 Deposits are used by us to enter into the contractual arrangements on your behalf and are non refundable. Payments can be made with a valid Credit Card or Debit Card, online bank transfers or cheque(s) made payable to “Purple Dog Company” where upon receipt we will endeavour to place the booking for you at the same price, although this cannot be guaranteed. We will however notify you should there be an increase in price.
14.5 If a promised cheque is not received or does not clear upon presentation we hold the right to cancel the reservation. Non-clearing or returned unpaid cheque will incur a £30.00 transaction charge.
15. Complaints
15.1 The Agent shall, immediately upon receipt, give notice to the Principal ATOL Holder in accordance with clause 18 of any complaint made by a Consumer in relation to the Travel Arrangements. The Principal ATOL Holder will provide confirmation of receipt of such complaint.
15.2 The Principal ATOL Holder reserves the right to contact the Consumer directly in order to resolve or deal with the complaint.
15.3 The Agent shall co-operate fully with any instructions the Principal ATOL Holder may issue in relation to a complaint.
16. Compliance with laws and regulations
16.1 Both parties will comply with all relevant laws and regulations, including the PTRs, the ATOL Regulations, the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2007, the General Data Protection Regulation, the Modern Slavery Act 2015, the Bribery Act 2010 and the ABTA Code of Conduct (including any amendments) and or any relevant Trade Association which either party may be a member of e.g. TTA, insofar as they affect the Agent or the Principal ATOL Holder’s activities. If the Agent is not a member of any association then the Agent shall conduct their business insofar as it relates to the Principal ATOL Holder in accordance with the ABTA Code of Conduct, a copy of which will be made available on request.
17. Governing Law
This Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales and both parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of England and Wales.
18. Customer Feedback
If you have a problem whilst on your booking then you must contact the appropriate person(s) at the earliest opportunity, for example accommodation / restaurant manager. Unless there is a valid reason why you did not report your problem to the appropriate person(s), we will not consider ourselves liable for those complaints. If they are unable to resolve matters to your satisfaction, then you must write to us within 7 days of the conclusion of the event. No complaint will be accepted outside of this time frame thus deeming you fully satisfied with all aspects of the event and the services we have provided to you. We will acknowledge any correspondence within 5 working days and endeavour to deal with the complaint as quickly as possible.
19. Accommodation
If your booking includes accommodation, the named accommodation will remain confidential to “Purple Dog Company” and only be disclosed to you upon receipt of the completed secondary deposit and written confirmation from the supplier.
20. Meals
Breakfast is not included with accommodation bookings unless otherwise stated. The type of breakfast you will receive will be confirmed upon arrival at your accommodation (this may be hot or cold regardless of your quotation). Restaurant meals may require a pre-order to be completed by the lead name of the group. This should be completed and returned to us, or the venue as required. If a pre-order has not been completed, we accept no liability for meals not provided or delays in providing the meals for you. You will not automatically be sent any menus and menus may be of limited choice from a set-menu for groups. We will endeavour to meet any specialist dietary requests for any member of your group but cannot guarantee these requests. We accept no liability if our suppliers are unable to meet these requests in advance, or once at the venue. If your group arrives late then we accept no liability.
21. Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
No part of this agreement shall confer on any third party any benefit or right to enforce any terms of this agreement.
22. Free Place Promotion
Where offered, one free place shall be allocated to both parties (more than one group booking) if each booking meets the minimum required numbers stated on the individual booking(s) paying the full per person price. Both groups must pay in full (based on the minimum requirements) for this promotion to apply.
23. Changes to these Terms and Conditions
We may need to make changes to these terms and conditions. Any changes can only be made by us and not any third-party member. We reserve the right to amend or improve these terms and conditions without prior notification. When it is necessary for changes to be made, we will forward you a copy of these changes and all reservations will abide by the amended terms, except for reservations already made.
The definitions used in this agreement have the same meaning as those used in the ATOL Regulations 2012 (as amended). Additionally, ‘Licensable Transaction’ means an offer made by a consumer (or their agent) to purchase flight accommodation for one or more persons on a flight which is accepted by an air travel organiser and constitutes an activity in respect of which that air travel organiser is required to hold an ATOL.
Duration of Agreement
Agency Terms 3, 5, 8, 9 and 13 remain binding on the agent even if the principal ATOL holder has failed.
Extent of obligations
The obligations of all parties to this agreement extend only to the parties’ conduct in respect of licensable transactions.
Priority of Agency terms published by CAA
Pursuant to Term 2.2 and Term 1 no agency term negotiated between the principal ATOL holder and the agent may contradict or purport to contradict the CAA’s mandated terms and any that do so will be void.
Term 1
By making available flight accommodation to consumers in the capacity of an agent, in accordance with ATOL Regulations 9, 10 and 12 the agent is deemed to have agreed to the terms of the written agency agreement between the principal ATOL holder and its agent. The terms of the agency agreement include terms mandated by the CAA to be agreed between principal ATOL holders and agents for principal ATOL holders making available flight accommodation as agents of that principal ATOL holder. Principal ATOL holders and agents cannot agree, whether in writing, by conduct or otherwise, any terms which contradict, or purport to contradict the terms mandated by the CAA. The agent must keep a copy of its agency agreement for the period it is in force and for 12 months after it expires or is terminated.
Term 2
Agents must comply with ATOL Standard Term 1 as if they applied directly to the agent (as applicable) and any requirements to set out the principal ATOL holder’s name and number should be read as requirements to set out the agent’s principal’s name and ATOL number. For the avoidance of doubt, agents are not permitted to use the ATOL logo without the permission of the CAA.
Term 2.1
The agent must always identify the selling, protecting principal ATOL holder on all publicity material (including websites and brochures) that identify a flight or flight inclusive package which the agent is holding out it can make available to consumers.
Term 2.2
Where we produce a receipt for money paid by a consumer, we must identify which part of that money is protected by the principal ATOL holder’s ATOL and which, if any, is not.
Term 3
We will, if requested by the CAA, report to the principal ATOL holder the unique reference number of each ATOL Certificate supplied by it, along with the corresponding ATOL holder’s reference number, where it acts as agent for the principal ATOL holder and where the transaction with the consumer was a Flight-Only or a package. If requested to do so by the CAA at any time and including after the failure of the principal ATOL holder, the agent will provide this information to the CAA.
Term 4
We will provide any information requested by the principal ATOL holder necessary to enable the principal ATOL holder to comply with the ATOL Standard Terms or any term of its ATOL.
Term 5
Any payment received by the agent from consumers, for services owed by the principal ATOL holder to the consumer, is received and held by the agent on behalf of and for the benefit of the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust but subject to the agent’s right and obligation to make payment to the principal ATOL holder for so long as the principal ATOL holder does not fail. If the principal ATOL holder fails, the agent confirms it will continue to hold consumer payments on behalf of the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust and without any right or obligation to pay the same to the principal ATOL holder.
Term 6
Where an agent makes available flight accommodation as the agent of a principal ATOL holder, the agent must ensure an ATOL Certificate is supplied to the consumer immediately and in accordance with ATOL Regulation 17, regardless of whether the ATOL Certificate is produced by the principal ATOL holder or produced by the agent on behalf of the principal ATOL holder. However, if an agent organises a package which includes that flight accommodation, the agent must immediately supply a package ATOL Certificate to the consumer in the agent’s own name.
Term 6.1
Where an agent makes available a package as agent of a principal ATOL holder, the agent must additionally obtain a Confirmation (see AST 1.11) from the ATOL holder and, once obtained, pass it immediately to the consumer by the method set out below. Where an agent receives any revised Confirmation from the principal ATOL holder, it will immediately pass it to the consumer by the method set out below.
Note: The method for the supply of a Confirmation means:
a) in the case of a consumer who is present at the time the agent receives the Confirmation, immediately handing it to that consumer or sending it to that consumer by electronic communication;
b) in the case of a consumer who is not present at the time the agent receives the Confirmation, immediately sending it to that consumer by electronic communication or by post.
Term 7
When accepting payments in respect of transactions the agent would need an ATOL to transact if the agent were not the agent of the principal ATOL holder, agents may only accept payment from consumers as defined in the ATOL Regulations 2012.
Term 8
Immediately upon the failure of the principal ATOL holder, the agent will provide the CAA with information on:
a) money paid to it by consumers, in respect of services to be provided for future travel by the principal ATOL holder to consumers; and
b) the ATOL Certificate unique reference numbers issued by that agent which apply to that failed ATOL holder, in a form acceptable to the CAA.
Term 9
The rights of the CAA and the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust to enforce any obligations under this agreement on either party are not excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, they may be enforced by the CAA and the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust.
Term 10
The agent may appoint a sub-agent to perform its obligations as the ATOL holder’s agent and to bind the principal ATOL holder into obligations with consumers or buying ATOL holders. However, the agent may only do so if it enters the ATOL holder into a written agency agreement that contains all the rights and obligations in the agreement that are required by the CAA and published in the CAA’s Official Record Series 3. Any sub-agent of the agent that does not have the benefit of a written agency agreement with the ATOL holder is not authorised to act on the ATOL holder’s behalf. As a consequence, the agent will be responsible to the consumer (or buying ATOL holder) for any acts or omissions of the sub-agent.
Term 11
If a new or revised Schedule of Agency Terms is published by the CAA in its Official Record Series 3 those new or revised terms will immediately take effect and must be included in the terms of the agency agreement between the principal ATOL holder and the agent within 3 calendar months of the publication
Note: a written agency agreement will be deemed to be compliant with ATOL Regulation 22(1)(c) provided that it contains all relevant parts of the schedule of agency terms published by the CAA in its Official Record Series 3 within 3 calendar months of the publication date.
Term 12
If the principal ATOL holder fails to comply with its obligations to a consumer and by reason thereof the agent incurs a liability or obligation to the consumer, the agent shall be indemnified by the principal ATOL holder against all consequences following from such a failure.
Term 13
If requested by the CAA the agent will provide any information regarding the principal ATOL holder referred to in AST 4 which it holds to the CAA on demand.
SCHEDULE 2: PTR Information Requirements for Packages
The information required by clause 7.4, which is subject to change from time to time:
(a) Information on the Package:
Before a contract for a Package is concluded, provide the following information, where applicable to the Package.
1. The main characteristics of the travel services specified in paragraphs 2 to 10.
2. The travel destination, the itinerary and periods of stay, with dates and, where accommodation is included, the number of nights included.
3. The means, characteristics and categories of transport, the points, dates and time of departure and return, the duration and places of intermediate
stops and transport connections.
4. Where the exact time of departure and return is not yet determined, the organiser and, where applicable, the retailer, must inform the traveller of the
approximate time of departure and return.
5. The location, main features and, where applicable, tourist category of the accommodation under the rules of the country of destination.
6. The meals which are included in the package.
7. The visits, excursions or other services included in the total price agreed for the package.
8. Where it is not apparent from the context, whether any of the travel services are to be provided to the traveller as part of a group and, if so, where possible, the approximate size of the group.
9. Where the traveller’s benefit from other tourist services depends on effective oral communication, the language in which those services are to be carried out.
10. Whether the trip or holiday is generally suitable for persons with reduced mobility and, upon the traveller’s request, the precise information on the suitability of the trip or holiday taking into account the traveller’s needs.
11. The trading name and geographical address of the organiser and, where applicable, of the retailer, as well as their telephone number and, where applicable, e-mail address.
12. The total price of the package inclusive of taxes and, where applicable, of all additional fees, charges and other costs or, where those costs cannot reasonably be calculated in advance of the conclusion of the contract, an indication of the type of additional costs which the traveller may still have to bear.
13. The arrangements for payment, including any amount or percentage of the price which is to be paid as a down payment and the timetable for payment of the balance, or financial guarantees to be paid or provided by the traveller.
14. The minimum number of persons required for the package to take place and the time-limit, referred to in regulation 13(2)(a), before the start of the package for the possible termination of the contract if that number is not reached.
15. General information on passport and visa requirements, including approximate periods for obtaining visas and information on health formalities, of the country of destination.
16. Information that the traveller may terminate the contract at any time before the start of the package in return for payment of an appropriate termination fee, or, where applicable, the standardised termination fees requested by the organiser, in accordance with regulation 12(1) to (6).
17. Information on optional or compulsory insurance to cover the cost of termination of the contract by the traveller or the cost of assistance, including repatriation, in the event of accident, illness or death.
(b) Information on the key rights of Packages:
Before a contract for a Package is concluded, provide the following information:
Note: where the use of hyperlinks is possible, parts 2 and 3 can be provided by hyperlink.
The information:
All the information set out in (a) of this Schedule 2 and:
1. Any special requirements of the traveller which the organiser has accepted.
2. Information that the organiser is —
a) responsible for the proper performance of all travel services included in the contract in accordance with regulation 15;
b) obliged to aid if the traveller is in difficulty in accordance with regulation 18.
3. The name of the entity in charge of the insolvency protection and its contact details, including its geographical address, and, where applicable, the name of the competent authority designated by the member State concerned for that purpose and its contact details.
4. The name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and, where applicable, the fax number of the organiser’s local representative, of a contact point or of another service which enables the traveller to contact the organiser quickly and communicate with the organiser efficiently, to request assistance when the traveller is in difficulty or to complain about any lack of conformity perceived during the performance of the package.
5. Information that the traveller is required to communicate any lack of conformity which the traveller perceives during the performance of the package in accordance with regulation 15(3).
6. Where minors who are unaccompanied by a parent or another authorised person travel on the basis of a package travel contract which includes accommodation, information enabling direct contact by a parent or another authorised person with the minor or the person responsible for the minor at the minor’s place of stay.
7. Information on available in-house complaint handling procedures and on alternative dispute resolution pursuant to Directive 2013/11/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Directive on consumer ADR) and, where applicable, on the alternative dispute resolution entity by which the trader is covered and on the online dispute resolution platform pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC
(Regulation on consumer ODR).
8. Information on the traveller’s right to transfer the contract to another traveller in accordance with regulation 9.